Monday, September 9, 2013

Throw Away Your Makeup!

Throw away old makeup, that is.  You have probably heard this many times before, but a reminder every now and then doesn’t hurt.  A couple weekends ago, I finally made the commitment to go through my makeup and throw away the old and organize the new.  I had been putting off throwing away some Urban Decay eye shadows, because they were gorgeous shades and they seemed “perfectly good.”  Just because they seemed perfectly good, though, does not mean they are.  After all, bacteria is not an easily-seen creature.

Even if it takes a little while to convince yourself, you should try to clean out your makeup drawer.  Here are several product guidelines from Allure about how long your makeup stays fresh:
-Mascara: 2-3 months
-Foundation: 6-12 months
-Face Powder: 2 years (maximum)
-Lipstick: 1 year

This information was taken from the following site, so if you don’t see your favorite product or want to learn more, go to this webpage.

Note: There seems to be quite a bit of variation when it comes to how long the experts believe you should keep your eye shadow.  Allure recommends three months, but other websites recommend longer.  Here is another website for more information.


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